Friday, January 11, 2008

Online Resource Worth Checking Out

I'm often asked to share what sorts of materials or curriculum I use as a homeschooling parent. Nothing gives me greater pleasure than to share resources that have proved beneficial to me as a teacher and to my children as students. Most recently, I have made use of the online portion of a Christian school in the Sacramento, California area, Cornerstone Christian School. What attracted me to this online education was the fact that Greg Uttinger, someone I have worked with and known for a number of years, was the teacher for their high school Government, Economics, and Systematic Theology classes. Needless to say, I jumped at the chance for my high school daughter to be able to sit under his teaching and learn from him. Many of R.J. Rushdoony's books and materials along with those of other excellent authors are part of the syllabus for each of these classes.

Greg is a gifted teacher who has a wealth of knowledge that he brings to the classroom. His approach is down-to-earth in an engaging way. Cornerstone Christian School is wisely expanding the reach and breadth of Greg's ministry to Christian families via their internet ministry. Their vision and purpose is very much aligned with that of the Chalcedon Foundation . One would be hard-pressed to find a more compatible curriculum available online anywhere else.

A sample of Greg's teaching style:

I see this resource as being beneficial to homeschooling families with high school students, new mothers seeking to prepare themselves for teaching their own children, teachers at Christian schools who may want or need additional preparation for courses they teach, and for Christian families in general.

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