Friday, April 18, 2008

Tearing Down the Wall

In a previous blog I included the trailer of an upcoming documentary release entitled Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed. Well, today I saw the movie with my daughter (as part of our homeschool science class), and I strongly urge you to take your families and watch this film together. In fact, churches would do well to call this movie to the attention of members who have their children enrolled in public school. This will be an eye-opener for parents and students alike as to what philosophy lurks behind our national science standards and the ideology behind the “high priests” of evolutionary thought and what they hope to accomplish.

Rather than espouse the validity of one explanation of origins over another (creation is right / evolution is right) the documentary chronicles the current silencing of any scientist who dares to give Intelligent Design Theory a public hearing, let alone espouse its merits over Darwinian evolution. The comparison made between this harassment and censorship and the construction of the Berlin Wall is striking.

The film opened today (April 18th) around the country. God only knows how long it will be available to watch in theaters before you’ll have to wait until the DVD release. The movie website gives links to locate a theater in your area.

So, why not wait until the DVD comes out? Well, while I was in the theater, I had a very pronounced sense that those who have participated in abortion, infanticide, and/or euthanasia fueled by evolutionary justifications, who actually make it through the entire 90 minutes might well be shaken to their core after digesting Expelled's thesis. What a great opportunity for Christians to be on-hand in a very informal way to spot such people and engage them in conversation with the purpose of sharing the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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