Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Year’s Resolutions: Remember and Fear

It’s that time of year when we are all encouraged to make New Year’s resolutions. This year, though, the advice I’m going to follow was written long before the 21st century’s economic and cultural woes. This advisor’s recommendations have stood the test of time, and I, for one, will heed his sage advice.

Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them;

While the sun, or the light, or the moon, or the stars, be not darkened, nor the clouds return after the rain:

In the day when the keepers of the house shall tremble, and the strong men shall bow themselves, and the grinders cease because they are few, and those that look out of the windows be darkened,

And the doors shall be shut in the streets, when the sound of the grinding is low, and he shall rise up at the voice of the bird, and all the daughters of musick shall be brought low;

Also when they shall be afraid of that which is high, and fears shall be in the way, and the almond tree shall flourish, and the grasshopper shall be a burden, and desire shall fail: because man goeth to his long home, and the mourners go about the streets:

Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern.

Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.

Vanity of vanities, saith the preacher; all is vanity.

And moreover, because the preacher was wise, he still taught the people knowledge; yea, he gave good heed, and sought out, and set in order many proverbs.

The preacher sought to find out acceptable words: and that which was written was upright, even words of truth.

The words of the wise are as goads, and as nails fastened by the masters of assemblies, which are given from one shepherd.

And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

(Ecclesiastes 12)

So, this year I resolve to remember and fear!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A Barn to House Thee *

By R.J. Rushdoony
Written 12-22-51

There was no room for Him, once long ago,
Only a cold and drafty barn, and, like a blow,
The smell of dung did greet
Him, Who came from heaven, none to meet
Him, save the displaced cows and sheep
Whose restless night disturbed His sleep.
Only some sheep men came to pray.
No scholars came to mark the day.
Still as of old the world denies
Room to its King and from Him shies,
The Cross His only gift from men
And man as brutal now as then.
Lord, if again a barn do not offend Thee,
This dung and filth would comprehend Thee,
Here is my heart, with its unclean floor
A barn to house Thee, as of yore.

* © 2002 by Mark R. Rushdoony. Used with permission

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Recently, I went to watch a dance performance at the local community college. This program marked the end of the semester for the dance department, and two separate shows were scheduled to accommodate all the dance classes. I was there to cheer on a student from the ballet class who was performing in the second show. As I was standing in the very cold night air waiting to get in, I witnessed a sad spectacle, one indicative of our cultural malaise. One of the dancers from the first show had made his way outside the studio, seemingly ready to hear praise and receive accolades for his first performance. On first glance, this young man’s affected air appeared to be an open declaration of his sexual orientation. Living in California, especially in the San Francisco Bay area, this is not something out of the ordinary.

What was noteworthy was how this young man dealt with many of the girls he saw. You would think that he knew every young woman on the campus. Almost all who passed by were effusively greeted with intense embraces as though it had been years, not days, since they had last seen each other. What was particularly offensive was the nature of those embraces – his freely putting his arms around and placing his torso against their bodies in a very sexual fashion. He managed to handle these women in ways that husbands should reserve for private displays of affection with their wives. Yet, this man, perhaps because of his apparent sexual preference, was given cart blanche, without any opposition from the women involved. In fact, these women seemed to welcome the encounter as some sort of badge of honor or show of acceptance. I could see that some young men were uncomfortable, but seemed overpowered by the situation. It’s hard to say what others around me were thinking, since in such a “politically correct” environment as a college campus, many tend to keep their “politically incorrect” reactions to themselves.

I was wondering if I was the only person who found this disturbing, but realized that in today’s culture, this man might be viewed as a confused person who was struggling with his sexual orientation, or just a friendly person whose “love” for others was being misconstrued by me. However, neither one rang true. As he was embracing one girl, his eyes were on the look out for a new target for another “hands-on" display of affection. The whole scenario reminded me of how dogs mark their territory.

What truly floored me about the experience was how willingly all the girls he approached received him. It was as though he was the quintessential “girlfriend” who was “safe” for these girls. Yet, in other contexts, this sort of behavior might well be grounds for sexual harassment charges– much more pronounced than anything charged against a certain Supreme Court nominee 17 years ago.

For those who have been indoctrinated in the state school system, I am not sure there is an easy “fix” to help them see how little respect they show for themselves by allowing such conduct toward their persons. After all, diversity, acceptance, homophobia, and the like are pounded into their psyches from day one. However, for those of us who have reared our children away from such influences, it is important for us to equip them for the time when they must interact with their publicly educated counterparts and prepare them for the proper responses to predators should they become their targets.

Monday, December 15, 2008

The Proper Role of Women: Setting the Record Straight

(I presented the following talk on December 13, 2008 in San Jose, CA.)

My husband and I have this running joke. He can work with a man for years and years and hardly know anything about him apart from the job. Yet, I can find out all sorts of interesting things about him: where he was born, where he grew up, whether or not he is married, how many children he has, and whether or not he attends church -- all within about ten minutes. What’s the difference? It is as old as the Garden of Eden. Men and women are different and were so designed. In fact, the first “not good” mentioned in the Bible is that God felt it was not good for man to be alone. In other words, God never intended for this to be a man’s world. In fact, God didn’t think a man’s world would be such a good thing.

It is fashionable today for women to be cast as victims – oppressed by men, the culture, religion etc. Yet, I submit to you, that the highest expression of value and respect for women comes right out of the pages of the Bible. God’s Word never casts women in a degraded or subservient light. Women are not the slaves of men, nor are they to attempt to become their masters. The Bible depicts the relationship of a man and woman in marriage as a partnership.

It is important to note that when God sent His Son to take on human form in order to act as our Savior and Redeemer, He could have had Him miraculously appear on the scene. Or, I suppose, He could have cloned a fine specimen of a man to fulfill that role. Or, He could have chosen a man and then deified him. But that is not how the second person of the Trinity came to earth. No, just like you and me, He came in the womb of a woman, to be nursed by a woman, and nurtured and raised in wisdom and grace by a woman. That should give us a picture of the high calling women have in God’s eyes for shaping and directing the future. God placed His only begotten Son in a family, under the care and nurturing of a woman. God has given women a custodial role to further the faith and traditions of family and culture, thereby ensuring their continuance.

One would think that if an enemy were attempting to sow seeds for the eventual eradication of the institution of the family, he would work diligently to dislodge that vital person who holds the family together. And yet, isn’t that exactly what has happened in the past five decades in our culture? Women have been told that their only true worth can be evaluated by how they measure up to men in men’s jobs and careers. We hear expressions tossed about such as: breaking the gender barrier or penetrating the glass ceiling, as though women will only be validated when they follow in the footsteps of men. Sounds to me that an enemy HAS been at work and done a fairly successful job of undermining family life by devaluing the vital role a wife and mother play in the home.

Another trend in our day is to blur the distinctions between men and women as if each could fulfill the other’s role without negative outcomes. Yet God created women to be the counterparts and compliments of men – something that implies gender distinctives.

History is replete with views in direct opposition to the biblical model of womanhood. With the Enlightenment, for example, women were put on pedestals as ornaments and depicted as helpless creatures, something that was both detrimentally romantic and unrealistic to the core. Then, with the Age of Reason women were depicted as emotional and willful, unable to deal in any reasonable fashion. This same philosophy also opposed religion itself and deemed it to be the domain of women and children – certainly opening the door to secularized thinking. This set the stage for the women’s rights movement, which correctly identified serious wrongs that needed correction, but aggravated the problem by promoting a feminist mindset which put women in competition with and in opposition to men.* This has led to the masculization of women and the feminization of men.

The picture we are given in the Bible of Christ’s relationship to His church is that of a husband to a wife. And we know that the teaching of Scripture involves the good news that this Husband laid down His life for His wife. By example, a correct application of Scriptural truth magnifies the position and role of a woman – neither as a subservient nor independent creature – but as a vital element of a healthy family and culture.

Unfortunately, with a culture like ours so dominated by film and television, we have lost site of how unique the application of a biblical world and life view has been in the creation of Western civilization as we know it. Too often events of the past have been reinterpreted into modern think, losing the pertinent details that shaped them.

A good example of this phenomenon is the story of the Titanic. As depicted in the theatrical release of some years back it comes across as a chronicle of class hatred and selfish motives. Aside from playing into the stereotypes of gender and class prejudice of our day and massacring the actual story, it failed to depict the account of men demonstrating the high regard in which women were held. The story was memorialized in a poem entitled Women & Children First! In Memoriam to the Gallant Men of the Titanic.**

(poem read)
It is only within the context of a Christian world and life view that women are deemed so valuable that men would lay down their lives for them. This IS the model that is given in Scripture of God who became man and laid down His life for His bride. Do you see how unique the Christian faith is compared to the other major religions of the world? This is a far cry from religious views that hold that when a man dies, his wife should be burned with him at his funeral because she has lost all value or worth. Or, that women should be covered from head to toe because they are temptations and snares and only useful to serve sexual and procreational needs. Or, what is more prevalent in our secular society -- the view that women should be content with and desirous of intimate relationships without the commitment of life-long marriage. In every culture that Christianity has spread, the respect and position of women have been elevated as full citizens in God’s Kingdom life and work. History testifies to this fact.

Recently I have had the opportunity to visit a number of businesses where women are the visible representation of hard-working, dedicated employees. Their workspaces look attractive, they are dressed well, and they are competent and industrious in most cases. In short, it’s not hard to see why employers would value their services. But, being that working women are just human, rather than superhuman, and have only so much energy and effort at their disposal, I often wonder what the effect on family and community life in our culture would be if our inflationary economy no longer necessitated depriving families of the person whose presence makes all things run smoother. The very reason these women are deemed valuable as employees has to do with those God-given attributes of nurture and custodial care. In fact, some women find themselves in the unexpected position of being single much longer than they anticipated because they have satisfied their inclinations toward care and nurture in the workplace. Am I saying that women shouldn’t work outside the home? That’s not my point. What I am saying is that so many of the negatives we can all easily enumerate that plague our culture are the direct result of the creativity and efficiency of women being directed away from the family and the home rather than toward it – with serious social and religious consequences.

What most people don’t know about American history and the influx of immigrants over the first two centuries of its existence is the role agencies staffed by volunteers had on the shaping of American culture. It was often the Christian women of the community through private associations who helped the immigrant wives and mothers adapt to their new location, ways of living, and introduce them to the Christian faith. In short, women as volunteers and good neighbors worked to instruct the new arrivals as to how to live and adapt to American society.

In fact, one very early traveler in the United States, the eldest son of the king of Naples under Napoleon and, himself a crown prince—had these very negative remarks to make about the Christians in America. Here is what he said:

The great number of religious societies existing in the United States is truly surprising: there are some of them for every thing; for instance, societies to distribute the Bible; to convert, civilize, educate the [Indians]; to marry the preachers; to take care of their widows and orphans;… to extend, preserve, reform, purify the faith; to endow congregations, support seminaries; catechize and convert sailors and loose women; to secure the observance of Sunday; to establish Sunday schools where young ladies teach reading and the catechism to little rogues, male and female; to prevent drunkenness etc.....***

Today, we’ve all but lost that shoulder-to-shoulder influence because the workplace has robbed the community of this valuable resource of women.
The Bible describes the wife as the weaker vessel, and some view this as a put-down. Certainly the story of Eve and her succumbing to the temptation of the serpent comes to mind in this context. But, I view St. Paul’s description of women more in line with the way we describe fine crystal. Crystal glasses are often weaker than the ones for everyday use. (Most folks don’t put them in a dishwasher for example.) Yet, they are also more expensive and more valuable and thus should get treated with greater care. In a like way, we should recognize the high calling the Bible places on women and overcome and disregard the ugly stereotypes that are often thrust upon us.

The last chapter in the book of Proverbs describes a worthy woman. It is a notable end to the book because many of the preceding chapters are full of warnings against the seductive, adulterous woman whose influence can ruin individuals and cultures. Either way you look at it, the Bible reveals that women play an influential role one way or the other.

It’s my hope that women will reflect on the uniqueness of our God-given role and seek to find ways and means to further develop it to His honor and glory.


* Rushdoony, R. J., “Marriage and Woman” in Institutes of Biblical Law, vol. 1, 346-53.
** Visit The Christian Boy's & Men's Titanic Society for more information on the Titanic.
*** “Rushdoony, R. J., from the lecture “DeToqueville: Tithe Agencies” in American History to 1865, CD Set, available from

Saturday, December 6, 2008

R. J. Rushdoony --Spiritual Autism

It would be hard to find a better description of why Christians need to educate their children from a biblical world and life view.

Monday, December 1, 2008

"Law & Liberty"

I’m excited!

I have recently been designated the “official” co-host of the Chalcedon podcast, "Law & Liberty" (formerly "Faith for All of Life"). The new name comes from one of my favorite books by R. J. Rushdoony and sets the tone as Chalcedon broadens its outreach. I encourage you to listen and share these podcasts with others. I’m eager to see if they generate additional interest in the Chalcedon Teacher Training Institute and increase our networking reach.

This new assignment gives me the opportunity to take part in interviewing godly men and women dedicated to advancing the crown rights of Jesus Christ. Hearing how others are taking the Great Commission seriously will encourage all of us to answer the call to godly dominion in our lives and spheres of influence.

I am open to suggestions for topics you would like to be discussed and guests you’d like to be interviewed. Contact me at lessons.learned@yahoo.com and we’ll do our best to accommodate.

Until then, happy listening.