Monday, September 8, 2008

Looking Well to the Ways of Our Households

The year was 1988. I was a stay-at-home mom homeschooling my two children ages nine and three, assisting my husband with his regular follow-up mailings to his customers, working as a volunteer typist for Chalcedon, caring for my 87-year-old mother-in-law who lived with us, and actively running a specialized pro-life ministry in our locale. In addition, I chauffeured the children to music and karate lessons. With this busy schedule, I still found time to read and learn as much as I could about applying the Christian faith to all of life. My schedule was tightly organized, but I managed to have time to pursue interests and outside activities of my own. How did I do it? Because I was the manager of my own schedule, I could organize and administer to my family’s needs and my personal needs, while holding down my most important jobs as wife and mother.

A man in our area was considering making a bid for city council. Someone recommended me to him as a person who was articulate, well-organized, and potentially a huge asset to his campaign. I remember getting ready for the meeting where I was certain to be offered the job of campaign manager. I got my most professional looking outfit and made sure it was pressed and ready to go. Because my son was only nine, I didn’t feel comfortable leaving him to watch his sister and have the responsibility of dealing with his grandmother, should she have an emergency. So, I hired a babysitter. The kids had been fed, Grandma was happy and content in her room, the babysitter arrived, and I was off.

During the meeting I was given the details of what my job would entail and was guaranteed that if the candidate won the election, I would be in charge of his district office. Needless to say, this often harried housewife was flattered and sincerely tempted to answer “yes.” I told them I’d get back to them.

On the way home, I pictured how I could pull this off. I could give my son his homeschooling assignments in the morning, hire a babysitter for the times I couldn’t be at home, and make the whole thing work. After all, wasn’t this a marvelous way for a Christian (and an orthodox, dominion oriented one at that) to make significant inroads into the political system? I was jazzed that I was going to make a difference for the Lord!

When I arrived at home, the house was in a tizzy. The babysitter had gotten into a tiff with my son and my mother-in-law was less than happy about how the evening had gone. My daughter was crying and my son was irritated. I piled the kids into the car with me as I took the babysitter home. On the way I realized the empty light (which I had been ignoring) needed to be dealt with. I stopped at a gas station, filled the tank, and drove the babysitter home. When she got out of the car, she informed me that I had not replaced the gas cap. I dashed back to the gas station only to find the cap missing. When I got home, I was irritated with the kids and sent them off to bed. I sat down, realizing I never had eaten dinner myself, when my husband called and asked me how my meeting had gone.

Needless to say, I didn’t take the job. Why? Because I already had a job, and to take the offered job as campaign manager meant I would have had to abandon my role as mother and wife or give it to someone else. As enticing as the prospect of being a professional, political woman was, I believe I chose the better way. Who knows, twenty years later I might have been able to wow the country with my articulate, well-organized achievements in public service at a national convention. But I’m not sure I would have passed the Proverbs 31 test for the virtuous woman who looks well to the ways of her household. Instead of having the praise of men, I find that the praise that comes from my husband and children exceeds the cheers from a roaring crowd or an adoring fan base.

The blessings of the Christian wife and mother involve serving in the background, helping her husband, rearing her children, and fearing the Lord so that the ultimate vote of Well done good and faithful servant will be the winning slogan of her life.


  1. I have read many blogs and articles in recent days arguing against Palin's ability and/or biblical prerogative to run for VP when she has 5 children to care for. Many of them have been biblically sound and logically tight exegesis, and I appreciate that. But your post is my new favorite on this topic. We mothers don't need arguments to convince us that what Palin is doing is wrong. Though we may sinfully deceive ourselves, we know in our hearts, as your story so elegantly shows, that no one can do the job God has given us, but us. Our husbands know the same in their hearts, too. If those who praise Palin would just stop and ask whether they want their own wives or selves to neglect their children and households for a chance at power and influence, then we wouldn't have such embarrassing praise heaped on her by people who are supposed to advocate biblical families.

  2. Your comment matches many others I have received from Christian women.

    It is hard for women who have devoted their lives to obey God and keep His commandment to "look well to the ways of her household" to suddenly hear many of the pro-family advocates jump for joy at the selection of a woman for the position of V.P.

    Not only does it speak of God's judgment that there were apparently no "qualified" men on the "short list" who shared her values and spunk, but that those who espouse a biblical worldview are so quick to jump at any bone (no matter how tasty) thrown at them.

    Years ago I heard R.J. Rushdoony comment that if the money that was poured into political campaigns was directed to truly Christian education, there would be a revival unlike our country had witnessed since its earliest days.

    It's time we realize that the foundational work needs to be laid and that we shouldn't sacrifice our principles for temporary political advantage.

  3. Thank you for that! Like Lisa said... many blogs tell of it being wrong biblicly, but never given an understanding of why the bible says it's wrong.This one hit it right on the nose. Not wrong because we're not smart enough, but because our jobs at home are so critical... more than we can sometimes understand.

  4. Truth be told, it's not that women are not qualified for political office. They are usually over-qualified, and better served to put their abilities where they will do the most good and where God has directed them.
